By statute, “[e]ach Commission shall establish bylaws governing its operation and internal structure.”1 Commissions are also required to file an up-to-date copy of their bylaws and all amendments with the Secretary of the Council and the Office of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions within 30 days of any amendment to the bylaws.2
Advisory Neighborhood Commission bylaws stall be consistent with statutory provisions and other applicable laws, shall be a public document, and shall include the following:3
- The geographic boundaries of the Commission area;
- A statement of Commission responsibilities;
- Voting procedures;
- The establishment of standing and special committees, including provisions for giving public notice of all committee meetings;
- The manner of selection of chairpersons and other officers;
- Presiding officers;
- Procedures for prompt review and action on committee recommendations;
- The use of the Commission office and supplies;
- Procedures for receipt of, and action upon constituent recommendations at both the single-member district and Commission levels;
- Pursuant to § 1-309.13(c), the procedures for the filling of a vacancy in the office of treasurer;
- Transition protocols for officer positions; and
- A tiebreaking procedure for Commission officer elections.See D.C. Code 1-309.11(d)(1)
Copies of each Commission’s Bylaws are available at the links below.