The Office of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions is charged by statute (D.C. Official Code § 1-309.15(c(11))) with servicing as the primary source of advice for Commissioners with respect to their official statutory duties. The Office of the Attorney General is also charged (D.C. Official Code § 1-309.12(d)) with providing legal guidance to Advisory Neighborhood Commissions with regard to statutes and other issues concerning or affecting ANCs.
This page includes OANC legal advice and guidance as well as notable OAG guidance important to Commissioners’ in carrying out their statutory duties.
- 2023-001 ANC Open Meetings and Community Engagement
- 2023-002 (Rev.1) ANC Technical Support and Assistance Fund Guidance
- 2023-003 (Rev.1) ANC Access to Legal, Zoning, Public space, and Land Use Expertise
- 2023-004 Constituent Access to ANC Social Media Accounts
- 2023-005 (rev. 2024) ANC Debit Card and ACH Guidance
- 2023-006 (rev. 2024): ANC Guidance on Grants
- 2023-007 Guidance on Virtual and Hybrid ANC Meetings
OANC Legal Advice
BEGA Advisory Opinions
- Council Employee Who Also Serves as an ANC Commissioner Shall Follow Council Guidelines on Recusal to Avoid Conflicts of Interest
- Ethics Applicability to ANC Commissioners
- Social Media/Official Use Advisory Opinion
General OAG Legal Advice Letters
'Must Know' OAG Legal Advice Letters
- Letter to Director Grant Re: Interference in Another Commissioner's Single-Member-District (March 15, 2022)
- Seasoned Settlers Grant and Grants Gernerally (Letter to Schannette Grant, Interim Executive Director (April 14, 2022)
Questions re Commissioners Speaking in ANC Meetings (Letter to Commissioner Omictin (April 8, 2021)