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OANC Policies

The OANC has established the following policies, guidelines and procedures for the proper functioning of its office, implementation of programs assigned to it by the Council of the District of Columbia, and use and management of communication technologies and tools provided to Advisory Neighborhood Commissions by the OANC.

Statutory Authority

The DC Official Code § 1–309.15 provides the Executive Director of the Office of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions with the authority to provide technical, administrative, and financial reporting assistance to the Advisory Neighborhood Commissions, including the implementation of new programming and services to assist Commissioners in serving District residents, providing Commissioners with technical assistance related to government email accounts, and serving as the primary source of advice for Commissioners with respect to their official statutory responsibilities and to issue rules to implement the provisions of this section of the Code. This document can be found at:

OANC Policies

Operating Policies

Financial Reporting Assistance Policies

Relevant Policies from Other District Agencies

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