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OANC Advisory Board

The Office of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (OANC) Advisory was established by the Office of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions on March 1, 2024, pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 1-309.15(c)(3), which directs the OANC to organize and oversee a task force every two years and charge it with assisting the OANC in updating the ANC Handbook. As the duties and responsibilities of the OANC have increased, so too did the need for a standing advisory board to ensure alignment between the OANC and the elected Commissioners it serves. 

The purpose of the Board is to advise the OANC with respect to initiatives, budget priorities, pending legislation, and policies that support the OANC’s mission to provide technical, administrative, and financial reporting assistance to the District of Columbia’s Advisory Neighborhood Commissions as codified in D.C. Official Code § 1–309.15. 

Members serve terms of three years, except three members who will initially were selected to serve two years and three members who were initially chosen to serve one year.

 A copy of the Advisory Board’s bylaws can be found here. [hyperlink the word ‘here’]

Anthony Thomas Davis smiling

Anthony Thomas-Davis (1A06)

Term: 2024-2027

Anthony Thomas Davis is an experienced government & legislative affairs professional currently serving as a policy advisor to Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen and the Committee on Transportation & the Environment at the Council of the District of Columbia.

A political and social scientist by training, he is passionate about voting rights and democracy, social and racial justice, and the intersection of the law. He has worked at organizations like the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law School, leading their lobbying and advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill and across Washington, DC, and at the NAACP Legal Defense leading prosecutor reform and other criminal legal system change.

A Chicago native, he graduated from the Chicago Military Academy, where he rose to the rank of C/Major and second-in-command as Battalion Executive Officer. He attended DePaul University, graduating with a bachelor's degree in Political Science, minoring in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and was a university leadership scholar. Anthony also earned a master's degree in Political Science from the University of Illinois Springfield, where he specialized in public law and policy. He was awarded a predoctoral research and teaching fellowship to complete his graduate studies.

Gwen Lohse smiling

Gwen Lohse (2E06)

Term: 2024-2027

Gwen Lohse was first elected to serve on ANC 2E in 2018. For decades, she was a strategic planner involved with health care policy development. She notes that her action-oriented experience in consensus building among diverse parties has served her well to collaborate on ANC projects such as streateries, parklets, a new athletic field at Rose Park, the completion of interior renovations at the park's recreation hut, strengthening community relations with police leadership and securing bike docking stations. She is committed to promoting the long-term vibrancy of her community

Adam Prinzo smiling

Adam Prinzo (3C02)

Term: 2024-2027

Adam Prinzo is a government relations and political engagement professional as well as a dedicated voice for his community serving as the elected ANC Commissioner for Western Woodley Park. He also serves as Secretary of ANC3C and chairs the Transparency and Public Processes Committee and also co-chairs the Public Safety Committee. When he’s not working or volunteering in his community, you can find him out on walks with his dog, Aggie, or cheering on the Washington Capitals at Capital One.

Dr. Antoine M. Kirby smiling

Dr. Antoine Kirby (4C02)

Term: 2024-2027

Dr. Antoine M. Kirby is an educational professional with over 19 years of program management experience in teacher education preparation. Dr. Kirby began his educational journey at Weatherless Elementary School in the Fort Dupont community of Washington, D.C. He currently holds two elected offices: Ward 4 Committeeman - Democratic State Committee of the District of Columbia & Commissioner – and Commissioner for District 4C02. He served as Chair of the Education Committee of the DC Branch of the NAACP. As Chair of the Education Advisory Council for the Office of Ward 4 Councilmember Brandon Todd, he advised on legislation, policy initiatives, and programs. On the Infant/Toddler A.A. Advisory Group in collaboration with the UDC Community College Education Program advocating for educational needs in Wards 7 and 8, he created a community-based pre-college support and preparation resource program for early childcare workers.

Joe Bishop-Henchman smiling

Joe Bishop-Henchman (5F06)

Term: 2024-2026

Joe Bishop-Henchman represents ANC 5F06 in Eckington, where he has lived since 2012. He served as the founding chairperson of ANC 5F after its post-redistricting creation, and his day job is an attorney specializing in constitutional law issues and tax.

Davina Carson smiling

Davina Carson (6E07)

Term: 2024-2025

Davina Carson began her service as a member of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6E in the spring of 2023, representing parts of Mt. Vernon Triangle and NOMA. She was born and raised in the Southwest Waterfront Community of Ward 6. During her tenure, ANC6E effectively evaluated each development, not only focusing on technical aspects but also considering the broader benefits to the community. The lasting community benefits negotiated by ANC6E during her time in office included initiatives to assist the under-housed and underserved populations, a cause Commissioner Carson is deeply passionate about. Additionally, she advocated for public open spaces for youth and the community, as well as opportunities for education, learning, and community engagement.

Ebony Payne smiling

Ebony Payne (7D05)

Term: 2024-2026

Ebony Payne is a third generation Washingtonian and serves as the Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner representing the historic Kingman Park neighborhood on ANC 7D. Her single member district encompasses the 190-acre RFK Campus, the Fields at RFK, the DC Armory, and Kingman & Heritage Islands. Her public service includes serving on the board of Friends of Kingman Park civic association and the DC Parks Task Force co-chaired by former Mayor Tony Williams, DMPED’s Nina Albert and Councilman Matt Frumin. She also serves as an alternate to longtime DC environmental advocate Dennis Chestnut on the Leadership Council for a Cleaner Anacostia River.

Dascha Cleckley smiling

Dascha Cleckley (8C03)

Term: 2024-2025

Pending Submission.

Jacqueline Maning smiling

Jacque Manning (At-Large Member)

Term: 2024-2026

Jacqueline Maning served as a member of the Advisory Neighborhood Commission for 18 years (5C04/ 5B08) representing the Arboretum, Gateway, Woodridge South, Dakota Crossing and Ivy City. As Chair of the Commission, she bridged the gap between community and the Metropolitan police. She has also advised the Arboretum community on how to negotiate community benefits where she resides. Commissioner Manning served on the Ward 5 CAC. Over the course of her tenure, ANC 5C very effectively measured each development beyond technical matters, weighing each project against its larger benefit to the community. Lasting community benefits negotiated by ANC 5C during her tenure touch on housing public safety, public space, access to the arts, education and learning, and opportunities for the community to come together.

Commissioner Michael Wray smiling

Michael Wray (At-Large Member)

Term: 2024-2027

Commissioner Wray served three terms from 2019 to 2024. During his tenue, he also served as both the Secretary and Chairperson of ANC 1A. Following redistricting, his institutional knowledge was instrumental in getting ANC 1E up and running smoothly. Michael has worked on Federal science programs for more than 20 years and volunteered for multiple community organizations and charities in DC. He has lived in Park View since 2007 and in DC for more than 20 years. "Running for ANC developed out of a desire to build more community among my neighbors, and with more engagement, use that energy to address issues in our neighborhood."

Dr. Delia L. Houseal smiling

Delia Houseal (At-Large Member)

Term: 2024-2026

Dr. Delia L. Houseal is public health expert, community activist and entrepreneur. She has over 20 years of experience working to improve the quality of health of disparate communities throughout the District and country. Dr. Houseal serves as the Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner (ANC) for Single Member District (SMD) 7E06 and was recently elected to serve on the District’s Commission on Health Equity. She also serves on the board of several community-based organizations, the Mamie Lee Johnson Little League Baseball team, the Marshall Heights Community Development Organization (MHCDO) and the Community Advisory Committee of the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board. Delia Houseal completed her undergraduate degree from Howard University, Master of Public Health degree from the George Washington University and PhD from Walden University. Dr. Houseal lives in the Marshall Heights community with her husband, three children and beloved chihuahua.

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