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About OANC

The Office of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (OANC) was established by the Comprehensive Advisory Neighborhood Commission Reform Amendment Act of 2000 as an independent agency intended to support the efforts of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions and is not empowered to direct or supervise the actions of Commissions. The Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Omnibus Amendment Act of 2016 transferred the duties related to ANC quarterly financial reports from the D.C. Auditor to the OANC and permitted District government entities to provide electronic notice to ANCs by default and first-class mail notice by request. Providing Commissions with access to legal, zoning, public space, and land use expertise was established upon the enrollment of the Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Participation in Planning Amendment Act of 2020. Many smaller amendments have also been enacted to the ANC Law to ensure that it continues to support the evolving needs of the ANCs, the OANC, and the District of Columbia, as a whole.

As of 2023, the OANC provides support for 46 Commissions and 345 Commissioners who consider a wide range of policies and programs affecting their neighborhoods. These include traffic, parking, recreation, street improvements, liquor licenses, zoning, economic development, police protection, sanitation and trash collection and the District's annual budget.


The OANC’s mission is to provide technical, administrative, and financial reporting assistance to the Advisory Neighborhood Commissions and be the primary source of advice for Commissioners with respect to their official statutory responsibilities. The OANC does this by developing, implementing, and providing programming and services; advising ANCs on land use and zoning issues; providing resources, guidance, and support upon request; and providing centralized support related to model documents, email accounts, services, and training.


The OANC is committed to leveraging technology, standardizing work processes, achieving cross-ANC efficiencies, and providing statutory analysis and guidance to Advisory Neighborhood Commissions in support of their work to represent their constituencies. The OANC will prioritize strategies and initiatives that deliver equitable and consistent support and access to resources for ANCs that:

  1. Ensure each Commission has equitable access and support to common tools, processes, and resources to conduct its business.
  2. Ensure every Commissioner has access to the tools and training they need to succeed as a member of their Commission
  3. Promote training, outreach, and public awareness programs to ensure that District Agencies and residents are better informed about ANCs and the work they do.
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